Technical mobile blog was founded on the basis of a simple idea is to offer content that resonates with the Arab researcher during Lent and browse for it in another area of the developments of modern technology, as well as all news relating to technology in general, as we have tried to blend the technical world of design. We offer special topics Us immovable from any website, blog or Forum Last but sum up what you offer Moaqaalsmh for product or a particular program and translate it into Arabic. Our concerns in this Code are as follows:
1. launch last news world of technology.
2. Provide information about the latest computer programs on the market, both of them free or paid.
3. Alert Arab scholar risk Internet and through introducing themes concerned with protection on the Internet.
4. Last smartphones as well as tablet computers the world.
5. All about the computer and its accessories.
6. provide tips and tools for designers of internet sites.
7. provide design tools for all designers.
We also offer a variety of topics from educational videos for beginners and a photo album for the last Products reached by modern technology.
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