9 نوفمبر 2016

last language found in Google’s Android

last language found in Google’s Android  work on Android devices.

New last language found in google phone android was updates and work any Android devices , The Android 7.0 version of the CDD was published
yesterday, and among many small changes, the
document contains a brand new section dedicated to a feature called Android Extensions.
The CDD is the list of requirements and
recommendations that must be followed by
manufacturers , that must be followed by
manufacturers who want to put Android – and
Google’s crucial apps – on their devices. This
document covers both hardware ex :display
audio features and software , Android device
implementations MUST preload the AOSP
implementation of both the shared library
ExtShared and services ExtServices for the in 
Android includes the support call of extending
the managed APIs while keeping the same
API level version. 

Android Extensions are aleary present on Android 7.0 Nougat and Lg V20 that is Google  be able new features by update this file in google play , Make sure to read the Ron Amadeo’s full post on Ars
Technica and keep in mind that this theory is still an educated guess, at least for now :)
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